Monday, September 24, 2012

Week 2...all is on the horizon!

Monday of week 2...started off strong with a nice afternoon bike ride today! After a wonderful weekend, this week's challenge is looking more manageable to me. Still working on breaking those old habits of easy it is to get into unhealthy routines! I need to replace my bad habits with good ones - like writing every night, keeping fit, reading even more. I've written this many times before in journal after journal, but what if I wrote instead of watched TV or drank or frolicked around on the internet? What would come out of it? I'm sure there are thoughts in there I haven't even thought of yet! How long until that becomes a habit too? With the poetry cram coming up, I'm thinking about it more than ever. It makes me super nervous, but I know that the nerves are what will help me grow and challenge all that is ME! I've been dreaming of sharing my poetry since I was 18 years old and now it's on the horizon. Just have to keep putting myself out "there"......

It's not surprising, but the Conor show was amazing on Saturday night! Again, I feel forever changed by his poetry!  

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Week 1...okay is alright with me!

The end of week 1 took longer than I anticipated...but a rainy Saturday is upon us nonetheless! And tonight is the Conor Oberst show in the city!!!! I am ready to have my mind fucking blown by all of his honesty, sadness, insight, and light. Jess and Dave are coming up and Tim is meeting us there. It's gonna be amazing!

As far as the challenge goes...this week was okay. I drank a lot more water, didn't drink-drink during the week at all, stretched in the mornings, took one bike ride, no soda, didn't eat out at all, and felt good about it all. I really need to get into a better workout routine. I just get so bored when I workout! I really need to get my ass to the boxing club and see how I like kickboxing. Maybe that will keep me fit and entertained...and probably nice and bruised up (but not the good kind)!

Think I am going to take a bath and wait for the crew to arrive...see you soon, Conor!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The afternoon after...
(day 1, really)

Week 1 - breaking old habits? (trying at least)

Jess and I are in the middle of our first week of our Seester Challenge, and I am finding it extremely hard to break old habits! I am in such a routine of eating, drinking, and doing what I want, but I know I am getting older so it's time for some healthy changes! If this impossible-to-fucking-believe summer has taught me anything, it is that life is short, all is temporary, and I'll be god-damned if I don't enjoy as much of my life as I possibily can. Even the bad shit is good when you think of it that way. (Thank you, Dukkha!)

So some background on the challenge...
During our awesome, long weekend in Texas, we all kinda fell apart on Friday night! A group of 30+ year-olds should NOT be black-out drunk, spraining ankles, cussing on the radio, and sitting at the ocean-side bar in their underwear and tank top! ( I was the only one in my underwear at the bar which was hilarious, yet eye-opening at the same time. No excuses, but it was after a heavenly night swim in the Gulf.) People crying, not remembering, throwing around snide remarks because it's just what we do sometimes. I love that I have people in my life that I can "let go" with and never have them judge me, but that doesn't mean we have to cross that line all of the time.

As a result of tearing up Galveston, TX on a Friday night, Jessica and I decided to have a "gettin' healthly" challenge to motivate each other to get our shit together while taking this world by it's bootstraps! We've made some rules and have a 20 lb weight loss goal. No drinking during the week, no more smoking, eating better, not eating out during the week, drinking more water, staying out of the b.a.r., working out, saving money, all the things we know we could do better! It's so wonderful to have a person in my life who understands me, knows me, challenges me, and loves me unconditionally! I know she's my sister and she has to love me, but not everyone has that with their siblings. I don't know what I would do without you, Seester! But I'm gonna mop the floor with your ass in the little competition of ours:-)!